


Dr. Dirk Beckedorf

Dr. Dirk Beckedorf

Dirk Beckedorf has led his own Systemic Listening Therapy practice since 1993. He was trained as a physician of internal medicine at the “Links an der Weser” hospital in Bremen, Germany. He trained directly under Dr. A. Tomatis in Audio-Psycho-Phonologie in Paris between 1992 and 1993.

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Franz Müller

Franz Müller

Franz Müller holds degrees in psychology and theology.
He was trained in Listening Therapy under Alfred Tomatis.
His practice for training in communication, listening therapy and psychotherapy is located at 23879 in Mölln, Germany. Read more ...

Gabriele Müller

Gabriele Müller

Systemic Listening Therapist
Inner Family System Therapist (IFS) according to Tom Holmes
Teacher of “Natural Voice”
Breath and Voice Teacher
Metamorphic Method Teacher
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Petra Pankratz

Petra Pankratz

Hails from Berlin where she completed her studies as music teacher with a focus on rhythm and piano.
She has been a church musician and organist with a “C-Music Training” since 2013.
She is passionately engaged in the early musical development of children.
She is a teacher of “Natural Voice”, “Breath and Voice” and has been teaching at Auris Integralis for several years.