
Dr. Dirk Beckedorf, Director

Dirk Beckedorf has led his own Systemic Listening Therapy practice since 1993. He was trained as a physician of internal medicine at the “Links an der Weser” hospital in Bremen, Germany. He trained directly under Dr. A. Tomatis in Audio-Psycho-Phonologie in Paris between 1992 and 1993.

1992 to 1996 completed a degree in psychoanalytical art therapy under the leadership of Elisabeth Wellendorf in Hannover, Germany.

The focus of his work has been with pre-school and school-aged children with developmental delays and specials needs, as well as those with attention disorders and learning disabilities.

In this work with adults his focus has been the treatment of psychological problems in combination with art therapy.

[Translate to English:] Dirk Beckedorf